Recent Lessons
- Keith Haring Murals in San Sebastián
- Keith Haring Murals
- Come To Know Keith Haring
- Organ Systems Mural
- City as Canvas: Artist Spotlight
- Printing with Objects
- Mural Making in the Style Of Keith Haring
- Subway Graffiti Project
- T-shirt Designer
- Keith Haring Semiotics Poster
- Introducing Keith Haring
- Discovering Keith Haring
- Haring Inspired Mural
- All Bottled Up!
- Thinking about Drawings as Symbols
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Recent Comments
- Daniel Wiener on Symbols & Signs
- Victoria E Sylvestre on Symbols & Signs
- Emoji: Modern Symbol Communication | OH THE ART PLACES WE CAN GO on Thinking about Drawings as Symbols
- coco on Keith Haring Biography
- Crack is Wack II | Muros hablados on Studying Mural: “Crack is Wack”
Age/Grade: Middle School
A Haring Event

This school in New Jersey hosted a "Dine with Your Child" afternoon, complete with Haring-inspired hallway decorations and home-made tee-shirts.
Subway Art
A great starting point for a large scale project, this lesson uses simple materials, and optimizes their boldness and beauty. Inspired by Haring's early graffiti work in the subways of NYC, these students took off with their own innovative and creative ideas.
Lady Liberty

This wonderful project celebrates freedom and Keith Haring at the same time, while helping students to understand what makes this country so unique and special.
Teaching to Standards
A joint effort between the University of Arizona's Education division and a local public school summer program, this lesson explores how some Apache students responded to Keith Haring's art using their computers as art-making tools.
Swimming Pool Mural

This lucky school in Germany was asked to decorate the hallways of a local community swimming pool. Using Keith Haring's art as inspiration, 15 students set out to fill the walls with colorful, bold, and fun designs along the theme of swimming.
Painted Chairs

This lesson, sent in by a class in Germany, is a great project to help brighten up any classroom by painting the furniture, Haring-style.
Monkey Mosaic

Two schools in Germany collaborate on a full-scale mosaic, using imagery inspired by our favorite artist, Keith Haring!
Stone Figurines

A high school in Germany partners up with a local nursery school to sculpt Haring-inspired scultpures from stone.
Haring Lampshades
These students from Germany participated in a competition to design Haring-inspired lampshades.
Designing a Bus Stop

This lesson, sent in by an 8th grade class took their art outside, and painted bus shelters throughout the city of Zell in Germany. One is inspired by our favorite artist, Keith Haring.
Class Mural

Make your classroom a bright and inspiring place for you and your students to work in. This project shows you how to paint a wall mural, wake up old curtains, and filter light through wonderful stained glass, a la Haring, of course. Great for school and for home.
Haring Art Work

These students from the UK learned all about Keith Haring before they began their own interpretive pastel posters. Afterwards, they wrote their opinions, reflecting on the imagery and their knowledge of Keith Haring. They posted it on their school web site for everyone to enjoy.