Recent Lessons
- Keith Haring Murals in San Sebastián
- Keith Haring Murals
- Come To Know Keith Haring
- Organ Systems Mural
- City as Canvas: Artist Spotlight
- Printing with Objects
- Mural Making in the Style Of Keith Haring
- Subway Graffiti Project
- T-shirt Designer
- Keith Haring Semiotics Poster
- Introducing Keith Haring
- Discovering Keith Haring
- Haring Inspired Mural
- All Bottled Up!
- Thinking about Drawings as Symbols
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Recent Comments
- Daniel Wiener on Symbols & Signs
- Victoria E Sylvestre on Symbols & Signs
- Emoji: Modern Symbol Communication | OH THE ART PLACES WE CAN GO on Thinking about Drawings as Symbols
- coco on Keith Haring Biography
- Crack is Wack II | Muros hablados on Studying Mural: “Crack is Wack”
Age/Grade: Elementary 1
Drawing Movement
This local New York City school used Keith Haring's art to inspire a lesson on expressing movement in drawing.
Pop Art People
A lesson especially designed for younger children to help them understand body proportion and construction.
Add a Page to Love
Using Keith Haring's book, LOVE, as a stepping stone, students are asked to create their own page to express love while challenging their use of color.
Hip Hop Dance Cut-Outs
Emphasizing collaboration, this teacher brought in music that Keith Haring worked to when he was making art and helped her students create a mural using it as inspiration.
Big Hat People
Influenced by Keith Haring's book, BIG, this lesson explores clothing and the adjectives we use to describe and differentiate them.
Marbling a la Haring
Using the process of paper marbling, this teacher has found a way to help students deconstruct and compose their own abstract compositions.
Cut-Out Figures

Combining the standard early-childhood project of full size traced self-portraits and the work of Keith Haring, this lesson adds a refreshing variation to an old classic.
Clay Alphabet Sculpture Scenes

A fun and informative introduction to the art of Keith Haring and an opportunity for students to sculpt their own clay letters!
Haring Mural
Illinois 3rd Graders learned about Keith Haring and then created a mural together, with Haring as our inspiration.
Haring In Motion Magnets
Students paint a Haring portrait in motion and then transfer the image onto a shrink film magnet.
Chalk Drawings

Students from an elementary school in Tampa, Florida visited an exhibition of Keith Haring's work at the local Tampa Museum of Art and then made their own Haring-inspired work!