- Curriculum: Art
- Age/Grade: Middle School
- Subject: Painting
- Materials: Paint, Pencils
- Institution: Essendon North Primary School
- Location: Melbourne Australia
- Duration: 1 - 2 Classes
We learned about the artist Keith Haring and enjoyed exploring his artwork. The students enjoyed viewing and playing on Keith Haring Kids website.
To be able to capture Haring's style.
Keith Haring Kids Website
A3 White cover paper
Lead pencils
Acrylic Paint
Using their Visual Art diaries they wrote about facts about the artist and then enjoyed drawing Harring inspired images. First the students drew their designs with a Graphite lead pencil, outlined their drawings with either a black Sharpie or black paint. They were encouraged to use vibrant colours. They absolutely enjoyed this project and remained completely focused. Outstanding Art Year 5 students!