Age/Grade: Elementary 1

K-1st Grade
5-7 Years

Haring Man Mural

One class' response to Haring's work after visiting our site, a full size figurative mural. The perfect project to build upon for individual children or a whole group.

The Story of Red and Blue – Art

The Story of Red and Blue - Art

This spontaneous explorative project allows students of all ages to open up and make free associations with positive results.

I Can Dance to the Music of Everything

This children-designed book explores rhyming, musical inventions, rhythm and dance using the process of printmaking.

On the Move

To explore students' perceptions of movement and how it can be expressed in images.
Make a visual diary of how you move throughout the day.

Tools for Discussing Haring’s Work

By maintaining a framework to lead a discussion, this outline will help make looking at, talking about, and responding to art less intimidating.


Students can create their own symbolic windows into their imaginations.

The Sky

Students will create images of the sky that convey their moods and feelings.